1.28.3 🎉
What's Changed,
Release Date: May 30th, 2024
Features 🚀
- GitHub Triggers
: New setting for GitHub triggers, allowing workflows to initiate on pull requests, pushes, and tag creations.
- Async Select Widget for RJSF Form
: Allows users to add a select component that dynamically loads options via an API call.
- Dynamic Documentation Inside Information Panel: Introduced dynamic documentation within the information panel on the dashboard app.
Enhancements and Major Updates 🔥 + 💪
- Overview Release Banner: Added a banner in the dashboard overview for quick access to the latest change log.
- Runner Group Enhancements: Improved functionality and features for runner groups.
- Duplicate Resources Handling: Improved management and detection of duplicate resources.
- Workflow Meta Component Upgrade: Updated the workflow meta component for increased functionality.
- Revamped Organization Overview: Redesigned the organization overview for better clarity and usability.
- Clean Error Messages: Refined error messages by removing ASCII color codes for clearer communication.
- Show Run Destroy Button: Show run destroy button inside delete workflow wizard (Terraform workflow only).
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Integration Update Not Working: Fixed an issue where the integration update was not working as currentItem was set to an empty string inside the integration wizard.
- Template Referencing String Inconsistency: Addressed a warning about template referencing string inconsistency.
- Search Value Fix: Corrected the search functionality to work with values.
- RJSF JSON Data Validation: Fixed an issue with RJSF JSON data validation.
- Integration Input Component Default State: Fixed the default state of the integration input component.
- Onboarding Flow Template Field Crashing: Fixed the crash issue with the select template field in the onboarding flow.
- Workflow Run Table Search Bugs: Fixed search bugs within the workflow run table.
- URL Encoding on Repo of Workflow: Fixed URL encoding issues on the repository of the workflow.
- Role Doesn't Show When Logged in via SSO: Fixed the issue where the role doesn't show when logged in via SSO.
- Filters Options Undefined: Fixed the undefined filter options issue inside detailed insights transposed table.
- Latest Status Not Updating: Fixed the issue where the latest status was not updating inside the resource table.
- Insights Dashboard Height: Fixed the height issue in the insights dashboard.
- Remove Container Instance ARN Duplicate Box: Removed the duplicate container instance ARN box from the parameters tab.