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API Overview

StackGuardian APIs use predictable resource-oriented URLs, accept JSON-encoded request payloads, and return JSON-encoded responses. The API employs standard HTTP response codes and verbs.

Base URL:


Authenticate against the StackGuardian API using an API Key. Generate the API Key in your Organization's settings, then pass it in the Authorization HTTP header:

Authorization: apikey <API_KEY>

Steps to Generate an API Key

1. Access Organization Settings

  • Navigate to your organization settings by clicking "Profile" > "Settings".

2. Open API Key Tab

  • In the settings menu, locate and open the "API Key" tab.

3. Generate and Copy the API Key

  • Click "View" or "Regenerate" to create a new API Key.
  • Copy the key securely for use in API requests.


StackGuardian APIs follow standard HTTP response codes:

Status CodeDescription
200 - OKRequest was successful.
204 - OKRequest was successful, but no content to return.
400 - Bad RequestRequest was invalid due to missing or incorrect parameters.
401 - UnauthorizedInvalid or expired API Key.
403 - ForbiddenAccess to the requested resource is not permitted.
404 - Not FoundResource does not exist.
5xx - Server ErrorServer encountered an issue. Please report it to support.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues: