StackGuardian's Organization Settings provide secure and efficient management features, such as Single Sign-On (SSO), Access Management with RBAC, and Private Runner Groups.
With a focus on security and convenience, StackGuardian offers these features to streamline user access and workflow execution. The RBAC system is designed to meet the complex requirements of large organizations, ensuring precise control over user permissions and actions within the platform.
The Organization Settings include:
- Access Management and RBAC: Control user access within StackGuardian using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). This feature provides a nuanced access level management system, allowing for the assignment of predefined and custom roles to users or groups. For an in-depth understanding of RBAC and its implementation, check out the Access Management Guide.
- Private Runner Groups: Supports secure and controlled execution of workflows within an organization's own infrastructure. It offers a way to register self-hosted runners that comply with specific organizational policies and requirements. To learn how to configure Private Runners, refer to the Private Runners Guide.
- SSO: Single Sign-On through StackGuardian offers a secure, simplified sign-in process aligned with Business and Enterprise needs. It allows for centralized access management and user authentication. For detailed setup instructions, visit SSO Configuration Guide.