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The Consumption section provides detailed metrics on the usage of workflow runs and minutes within your organization. It includes monthly and daily statistics to help you monitor and manage resources effectively. Regularly tracking these metrics aids in efficient resource management and cost control.

To access the Consumption metrics, go to Orchestrator > Organization Settings and select Consumption.


Workflow Run Metrics​

Monthly Consumed Workflow Run Metrics​

  • Connector Discovery Runs: Tracks the number of runs executed to discover connectors.
  • Terraform Drift Runs: Monitors the runs performed to identify drift in Terraform configurations.
  • Workflow Runs: Indicates the total number of workflow executions.
  • Total Runs: Represents the cumulative runs for all activities.

These metrics provide insight into the different types of workflow runs executed in the selected month.

Workflow Run Minutes​

Monthly and Daily Consumed Workflow Run Minutes​

  • Minutes Consumed This Month: Displays the total workflow run minutes consumed in the current month.
  • Minutes Consumed Today: Shows the workflow run minutes consumed on the current day.

This section highlights the total workflow run minutes consumed in the current month and on the current day.

Subscription Details​

  • Subscription Expiration Date: Specifies the date when the current subscription will expire.

Ensure your subscription is active to avoid any disruption in the service.