1.28.7 🎉
What's Changed
Release Date: Aug 30th, 2024
Features 🚀
- Dial Widgets
: New interface to track passes-fails percentages for cost, compliance, and security checks across cloud connectors.
Enhancements and Major Updates 🔥 + 💪
- Custom Binary Terraform Option: Added support for specifying a custom binary for Terraform.
- Paused Status Indicator: Added an indicator for paused workflows to better track progress.
- Onboarding Flow enhancements: Addressed several issues in the onboarding process to streamline user experience.
- Support for pre/post ApplyHooks: Introduced support for postApplyHooks, preApplyHooks, and prePlanHooks inside the Terraform configuration.
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Nested Parameter Parsing: Fixed a bug where nested hierarchy parameters were incorrectly parsed.
- Workflow Group Sidebar Issue: Resolved an issue where workflow groups were not picked correctly in the sidebar.
- Double Scrollbars in Workflow Runs: Fixed a UI issue causing double scrollbars in workflow runs.