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Workflow Overview​

Workflows in StackGuardian are organized within Workflow Groups, which help group workflows by teams, divisions, or environments. These groups also enable fine control over who can access and manage your workflows.

The primary goal of StackGuardian's deployment interface is to simplify complex deployment processes and enhance operational efficiency. It offers intuitive management of workflow configurations, supporting various workflows such as Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes, Helm, and more.


Let's walk through each of the tabs and their purpose.


This tab provides a comprehensive summary of the workflow.

  1. Compliance Checks shows all the enforced policy across this workflow and detailed evaluated results from the last run.

  2. Infracost Estimation shows infrastructure cost estimates from the last run, including both speculated and incurred costs. It details the total hourly cost, total monthly cost, and total usage-based resources.

  3. Resources provides the summary of the overall resources and their drift status. This includes the total number of resources, drifted resources, last drift detected, and the next scheduled drift. View detailed information about all resources deployed under this workflow.

  4. Run workflow using the play button on the top left side. For more details, visit the here.

workflow-view Overview


List of all the workflow runs. Clicking on a listed workflow run provides detailed information.

  1. Logs: Displays detailed logs including workflow run info, enforced policies, sourcing IaC from VCS, gathering artifacts, executing workflow steps, workflow run status, and cleanup logs.
  2. Errors: Displays errors if the workflow fails during execution.
  3. Compare Parameters: Select a workflow run to compare parameters with a specific run ID.
  4. Parameters: View all parameters like revisions, input variables, Terraform configurations, runner options, and deployment environment.
  5. Compliance Checks: Policy evaluation results from the last run.
  6. Infracost Estimation: Infrastructure cost estimates from the last run, both speculated and incurred.
  7. Terraform Plan: Displays the generated Terraform plan for the workflow.
  8. Provisioned Resources: Summary of all resources and their drift status.
  9. Comments: Add and send comments across the workflow.

workflow-view Runs


Displays all the workflow outputs, output references, and artifacts.

  1. Output Reference: Provides names, types, and values of outputs generated by the workflow. Useful for subsequent steps or integration with other systems. Click on the settings icon to edit values or "Show JSON" to view references in JSON format.

  2. Artifacts: Files generated or used by the workflow, such as Terraform state files and logs. Essential for preserving deployment state and history, enabling rollback, debugging, and auditing. You can upload new artifacts like tfstate.json or download existing ones for review.

workflow-view Output


This tab allows to configure various settings for the workflow here.

  1. Source and Parameters: Configure the source, which can be a Git repository or a template, and input variables required for the workflow.

  2. Terraform Configuration / Workflow steps: Set Terraform-specific settings and workflow runtime settings for Terraform workflows. For non-Terraform workflows, configure the workflow steps and runtime settings

  3. Deployment Environment: Configure the cloud connector and environment variables, specifying the deployment environment for the workflow.

  4. Meta: Define workflow metadata such as name, description and tags.

workflow-view Settings